Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Love Glove Grooming Mitt Top Quality

This thing is AWESOME. I have 2 Yorkies and a cat. The Yorkies don't shed but the cat gets hair all over the place. I brush her but still there is hair everywhere. I noticed that no matter how much I brush the cat, as soon as I pet her, hair will come off. So this seemed like a good idea. When the glove arrived, I couldn't find the cat, she is very good at finding hiding places to sleep. So I tried it on the dogs, and even though they don't shed, hair came off. When the cat was finished with her nap I tried it on her. Although I had just used the Flowbee on her a few days before, tons of hair came off. And she loves it when I use it on her. I was afraid the bristles would be too hard, but they aren't, they are soft. I tried it on my head and it feels good. Great Product.Get more detail about Love Glove Grooming Mitt.

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