JR Bird (our wacky lovebird) needed a toenail clipping, and, fool that I am, I clipped his nails with a not very sharp sizzors. He bled for two hours while I held on to the toe I had injured.
It's not the first time I've experienced uncontrolled bleeding in a pet. Several years back, our dog caught her nail on a ledge and, jumping down, pulled it out. Same story: I spent hours trying to staunch the bleeding.
Now I'm ready for blood. I found this product recommended for and by veterinarians, and concluded that this would be an excellent emergency product to have on hand for our pets. I have stored it in the first-aid kit.
Fortunately, I have not had the opportunity to use it, but, having had the need for it more than once, I wanted other pet lovers to know it's out there.
Shipping was superfast. JR and I both feel better protected now.
P.S. JR Bird is doing fine.
UPDATE: October 5, 2008
Unfortunately, I did need this product to staunch the bleeding in a large gash.
It works! Within about 15 seconds, the bleeding stopped. We'll see in the morning whether healing has begun, but for now, all is well.
This is great stuff to have around in an emergency. I recommend it!
UPDATE: December 1, 2008
I've now had three occasions to use Clotisol, and I am so happy to have it around for emergencies. It stays in my first-aid kit so it's easy to find. In a bleeding emergency, it's tops!Get more detail about Clotisol - 2 oz.
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