Friday, July 9, 2010

Hexadene Shampoo (8 oz) Buy Now

I have a 7 year old Austrailian Sheppard (Jack )who recently got mange while being boarded. We hadn't seen it before and it spread extensively before we found out what it was. An incorrect diagnosis by one vet put us on a useless treatment path. Another Vet prescribed Hexadene which has worked wonders. It took a short haircut and a little more than a month of bathing every 3 or 4 days to get it under control but he is now almost free. He has had some persistent spots and I have found that if I scrape and spray the skin spots that form itchy sores with Farnam Scarlex Wound Dressing once each day between washings it has greatly improved his condition and reduced the treatment time. The sores usually disapear within 2 to 4 days. I have tried many other antiseptic skin treatment dressings and this is the only one I have found that really works. I have tried Sebolux and Keratolux but found that in my case Hexadine is the one that worked best to stop the spread and improve his overall condition.Get more detail about Hexadene Shampoo (8 oz).

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