I will admit, when I pulled this thing out of the box I wanted to throw it away. HOWEVER, it actually did a really good job. Here is what the packaging says and which I would agree with after using it:
This undercoat rake will gently remove mats and loose undercoat without removing the other hair. This item is especially suited for breeds with thick, heavy coats, and breeds with an undercoat.
Example Breeds: German shepherds, poodles, pekingese, shetland sheepdogs, keeshonds, old english sheepdogs, terriers, pomeranians, schnauzers.
I have three very different dogs. One smooth coat dalmation - short, needlelike outer hairs with very little soft fuzzy undercoat. One wire coat dachshund - wirey outer hairs with plenty of soft undercoat, her hair is about 1 inch long right now after being shaved recently. One long coat yorkie - his hair is about 1.5-2 inches long right now.
This rake really will do nothing for smooth coated breeds, for them I recommend getting a curry comb. And if your dog's hair is less than one inch long you will see minimal results. However, I was plesantly surprised at how much hair it removed from my yorkie. And he is very sensitive but didn't seem to mind this rake. I think the rotating bristles don't pull as much and I think it is perfect for detangling before using a Mars Coat King.Get more detail about Evolution W6109 Grooming Undercoat Rake with Rotating Teeth, Single Row.
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