Twelve paws across three adult and active german shepherd dogs. One modestly sized back yard. Three months of regular mid-west rain in the Spring. Mix well, and what you have would feel right at home from just about any alligator you might pull out of a Florida swamp.
Perhaps I'm embellishing, but if so it's not by much. We dread mud this time of year. We try to fight it off by keeping a canvas tarp on the floor by the back door, we keep reseeding hoping to restore as much grass and root as possible, and we have Soggy Dog Towels ready to go inside and out to clean the monkeys up as much as possible. While those are great for the bodies, they never quite addressed the issue of paws and pads. This glove does, however, and it does a remarkably fine job of breaking down mud, and absorbing liquids. It can handle all twelve paws even on the worst days, and even then we only have felt the need to run it through the washing machine once a week.
Could only be happier with it if we had three more.Get more detail about Spotless Paw®.
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