I've been shaving two cats for many summers now - you'd think it would have occurred to me to buy pro-grade clippers rather than get a cheap set every year that had to be replaced after one use. Not to mention, the cheap clippers would always take anywhere from 1-2 hours per cat. By the end of it, each cat would cry and squirm like a child on a 5-hour road trip. It finally occurred to me that, as a kid, I'd seen people shearing sheep on TV. The sheep have much tougher & thicker fur than cats do, but those clippers would strip the fur off in a manner of seconds - I decided I would find those clippers and pay whatever the price.
Fortunately, I didn't have to look as far or spend as much as I'd expected - I found this clipper set online, read the reviews and put in the order. What a pleasure it is to shave those cats now. It takes 10 minutes (where it used to take at least 45) and it glides through thick cat hair like a knife in warm butter. I've only used it once - time will tell how long it stays effective, but I think as long as I follow the basic maintenance instructions it should last for years.Get more detail about Andis 23175 LightSpeed Animal Clipper.
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